EVOLVE 6-Week Wellness Program

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EVOLVE 6-Week Wellness Program

from $250.00

I’m beyond excited to launch my first group health coaching program!

We’ll cover a lot of ground in 6 weeks. You’ll get support, motivation, and some great ideas to jump-start you towards the best-ever version of yourself for 2019!

Won’t you join me?

Register Now!

6 evenings of fun, learning, and growing - is a wonderful way to start this new year spending a little extra time to focus on Yourself. A little goes a long way... More energy, less stress, increased motivation, a Health Coach to guide you, and a built-in team to help you through it!

Commit to working towards a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself for 2019!

Wand a bit more?

The exclusive Evolve Further package will include an extra hour-long one-on-one session with me (in addition to the 6 group sessions) You’ll be able to get an extra level of individual support and guidance to help bring you even closer to goals.